Happy New Year...2021 We Welcome You!

Luxury Letterpress Lunar/Chinese New Year Postcards 2021 Year of the Ox.

Luxury Letterpress Lunar/Chinese New Year Postcards 2021 Year of the Ox.

There has not been a year in my 41 years of life that I wanted to end more than 2020. It was an unprecedented time for so many and with it came so many changes. My business which was made up of the wedding/event industry was heavily disrupted by Covid, and my in person shows were all cancelled due to Covid as well.

I had a number of months to think about what it was I was going to do next if the following couple of years were to stay this way, would my business survive or sink? This I KNEW solely depended on the decisions I made for my studio now. And in that moment I had to recognize and prepare for what is ahead.

My love of lettering actually began in stationery and sending good old fashion snail mail. With technology on the rise and rise throughout the years, it may seem that good old fashion mail would eventually become obsolete, however I feel now more than ever, people TRULY appreciate a had written note more than ever.
Opening a letter feels like a little gift in itself so beautiful mail is that much more luxurious.

With the extra time in my studio, I decided to focus on my love of stationery, designing tools I love and creating beautiful paper goods with my love of lettering and illustration.

My first letterpress project is for Lunar/Chinese New Year 2021! This year is the year of the Ox, and I have taken my love of the traditional Chinese paper cut style for my illustration and paired it with the artistry of letterpress to create these gorgeous postcards. Knowing that our traditional festive gatherings won’t be happening anytime soon, I wanted to create something festive and luxurious to send to family and friends near and far. Wonderful addition to gifts and fruit baskets as well.

Whatever life throws my way, know that I will take it in stride and continue to use my art and love of lettering to make the world a more beautiful place. Can’t wait to show you more!

Find these postcards and calendars in my shop!

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Letterpress Postcards3


Throwback To The Late Eighties….

As a young child, I vividly remember mail coming to the house specifically the Christmas cards. Being immigrants my parents would receive cards from friends and family in Asia and Australia. I recall them opening the envelopes that often had photos of babies and family and the joy my parents felt when they received these letters. I was really into the stamps from different places and the cards themselves too. Back then the musical card was my absolute favourite, playing that high pitch tone of Jingle Bells over and over, open…close…open…close… until my parents confiscated the card from my hands. I haven’t wandered far from that love of letter writing and mail, it fuels so much of my creative life as a designer, I truly truly truly make things I want to see in the world and I share them in hopes they may bring you happiness too. My collection of stationery and cards is extensive and I can honestly say I have a card on hand for any occasion… recently I realized I had to start collecting sympathy ones showing my age.

A Designers Purpose…

Whenever I design something, I really do just want to bring joy to the person that receives it. I spent hours decorating envelopes of letters and cards I mailed out, to me, the OUTSIDE was just as important as the inside of the envelope. The outside would pass through many hands until it finally reached its final recipient, my then boyfriend, my best friend or my family…. I decorated my envelopes in hopes to stand out in a sea of letters, to bring a smile to any postal worker that handled my letter and for them to think, wow this is a special letter/package. I knew a beautiful envelope would feel like a gift in itself, and that is why my mantra of Send Beautiful Mail stays so strong in my vision as a designer.

From bubble letters in my adolescence to nib and ink calligraphy as an adult, my love of lettering and sending mail has not faded in time, only intensified. Intensified meaning I felt it was necessary to take upon myself to create things to make my letter writing journey a bit easier, and that is how I came out with my line, and curved lined templates.

I wanted to create a tool/template that allowed me to create straight and well spaced lines with out measuring! This was an especially painful thorn in my side if I had to address envelopes for clients sometimes over the hundreds. Its as simple as placing onto your envelope and using a mechanical pencil draw light lines that can be erased after the address was lettered.

And this year I created the sister of the first template, my curved line template. I always found drawing curves tricky but knew this layout could make an envelope look really dynamic, so I buckled down and created my rainbow template with curved lines.

Letter writing to me will always be a form of travelling art. I also understand that not everyone has the affinity to spend hours on decorating an envelope, so I have also created a line of screen printed mailers so that others can simply send beautiful mail without the fuss.

These mailers are 7 x 9” and fit an array of things, from photographs, to cards, calendars and stickers. They are great when you want to send something special but don’t want to pay an arm and leg for shipping.

Watercolour Cards by Alicia’s Infinity

Watercolour Cards by Alicia’s Infinity


Bottled Feelings - The Exhibition

This is the 5th year Love Lettering has been in business, as as the owner, creative director, and artist behind every piece of work that comes out of the studio, I cannot say how proud and grateful I am to have had so many of you include me in your most special moments in your lives, trust me with branding your company and come to my workshops and watched my videos to learn from me. Every moment I get to letter and share what I know makes me feel truly thankful. Along with being our 5th year in business, I’ve turned 40 years old. Now when I was young I thought that 40 was ancient, I thought at 40, one should have everything figured out, however I realized that growth, progress and transformation every year is required for me to feel fulfilled. I think it comes from being creative, I accept that I have a passion for lettering and will continue to strive to see how else I can use that passion to open new doors and pursue new adventures… and thats where this exhibit comes in.


Our FIRST Gallery Show…

Bottled feelings stems from a feeling in my heart from a young age…”I know I’m meant to do more”… back then I didn’t know what that MORE was, and I never told a soul what I felt for the fear that I could never produce that MORE that I spoke of. Telling people you are meant to DO more, requires you to actually DO it, and did I have the guts to follow through? Did I have the talent, drive, persistence, to create the more I felt?

I thought when I created Love Lettering, that was the more. I thought that when I released the book, perhaps that was the more. I realized I still feel like there is more in me to give and show the world with the love of hand lettering and what I can do with it.

It also our first Kickstarter campaign…! I decided to pursue this route because Kickstarter is a creative crowd funding platform that supports artists and new ideas. Backers on this platform want to see and support new products and exhibits that are innovative and I wanted to see if this concept and exhibit would be well received.

You can be a part of my first exhibition experience in so many ways, some don’t even involve money:

  1. Take a look at my Kickstarter campaign and support if you can! I have some great rewards and a video that describes my idea and concept in full.

  2. Submit your own “Bottled Feeling” this is a totally collaborative exhibit where I will take the submitted feelings and hand letter them onto glass bottles… will yours make the show? All entries will be anonymous (submissions have been closed August 31, 2019).

  3. Share my story and my campaign! The more people that hear about it, the more likely I will receive the funding to create this exhibit, so if this is something you want to see happen, please share.

  4. If the project is funded, please visit the exhibition! It will be free admission for all guests.

Am I scared? Absolutely. Will I fail? Its very possible. Do I kind of want to vomit? Yes, I do.

Does it mean I won’t pursue it? Hard NO. All the outcomes and feelings I have will never compare to the regret I will feel if I never tried to show the world (or at least Toronto) what is possible when I combine our bottled feelings with the art of lettering. Come take this journey with me. Thanks for reading!



So, you want to start a lettering business …

Love Lettering is celebrating its 5th year in business and we have learned a lot along the way, so much of it was trial and error, and figuring things out along the way.

What I always knew that I had was the love and passion of lettering, attention to detail and really good customer service skills as I worked in this industry for 20 years before I started the company. However the struggles that we encountered were always the NOT fun side of the business like creating a website, filing for a business licenses, trademarks, and accounting… who likes accounting? Is it because accounting makes us analyze if we are ACTUALLY a sustainable business? Is it because accounting is going to tell us that we made NO money last year? I think that is one of the reasons businesses are successful and not, you have to KNOW your NUMBERS. And that starts with PRICING.

How do you even begin to start charging people?

In the beginning I always began with the approach that my skill and talent was worth way more than minimum wage. I mean, not everyone LOVED lettering as much as I did, not everyone graduated from OCADU in illustration, taught art/lettering abroad for 2 years right? That had to be worth SOMETHING in this creative world. Back then, there were actually not THAT many people lettering as a service and I did feel that there was something missing that I could offer, however, that being said it was really hard to know how much to charge for my services, and man did I make some major errors! See my examples below:

Undervaluing My Time…


$20…….TWENTY DOLLARS for 13 of these table numbers! Can you BELIEVE it? Look at the details! How long did I spend on these pieces? I could not tell you but lets do some math here…. 20/13 is $1.54, and each one had to have taken me at least 15 minutes to create, so yes, I am pretty sure I did these for under $7/hour. Now I know I mentioned that I knew that my hourly rate should be more than minimum, but these 13 pieces were included in a WHOLE set of 10+ pieces, so the entire job itself was probably in the $700 range for these and many other pieces, so I figured HEY, I am making more on the other items and $700 for a job is so great doing what I LOVE but the business minded me today would not take anything less than $10/number for something as intricate as these.

Overlooking details that cost time and money…


For weddings there are 2 items I would say every wedding could use, the Welcome Sign, and Seating Charts. These 2 items are 85% of my usual email inquiries! I thought at one point I could have a “general” price for ALL welcome signs, but I found out that this was NOT a good idea. Here is why:

Sizes of these Welcome Signs come in all different shapes and sizes! Obviously a bigger sign is going to require more time to complete.

Wording, the amount of words ON each piece will also dictate HOW long the sign will take to complete as well.

Illustrations, Monograms, Decorative Fonts these take much longer to draw/letter than your run of the mill freehand modern cursive, so of course these would need a surcharge for execution.

Surface Different surfaces have a different approach to how they are lettered, some are easier to clean and correct errors, some need more prep time before lettering. For example, chalkboard requires more time as there is time spent on sharpening chalk, or pencils while lettering, if I was lettering a 250 person seating chart this would take me much longer than a mirror that uses a paint marker with a continuous flow of ink.

So How Is The Guide Going to Help?

The above examples are only a FEW of the oopsies that happened throughout the beginning of our company and now there is a FANTASTIC pricing guide out now called the PANIC FREE PRICING guide created by Becca of the @happyevercrafter and Joanne of @indetailcreative that actually talks about SO many of the topics and situations that arise when you are just starting out your lettering business. The 98 page guide along with the video tutorials are so crystal clear about how to value your time and what the market price is for creative lettering in the industry as a beginner. I not only found it to be insightful to beginners, but to me! A gal that has been IN the industry for 5 years, wrote a book, and hosted workshops! As I always say there is SO much more to learn but we all start somewhere. With experience you will know when to increase your prices however this guide is perfect for the creative letterer that wants to start a side hustle, OR take their side hustle to a full time career.

What I found especially helpful was not only letting you know about how to price, but also what opportunities lettering can lead you as well! They talk about the wedding industry, commercial work, murals, hosting workshops, making gifts, and SO much more. Topics such as community over competition are brought up as well to show you how undercutting is like peeing in the pool, they may think its okay but they are also swimming in the same pool and making it dirty really isn’t good for anyone. Keep the prices standard, let the work/artist speak for themselves.

I believe if you actually go through this guide/course you will feel confident in pricing and providing quotes for your clients, the only thing left to do is DO GOOD WORK! If you do great work, and you are priced fair its a winning combination and your business will thrive.

The Panic Free Pricing Guide is money well spent as it may pay for itself after one use if a commission comes up and you know how to quote properly. I just know that this will save a lot of people a LOT of time and I felt like it was my duty as an artist and hand letterer to let people know what a great tool this guide is. How much would you pay for confidence when quoting? How much would you pay for peace of mind, knowing how much your skill is worth? I hope you find it helpful, I wish it existed when I started and I wish you all the best in your journey ahead!

Happy Lettering, xox Doris

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2018....Let's Wrap It Up!

The Lettering Lifestyle - 2018 Year End Review

It’s the last day of 2018 and if the quote “time flies when you are having fun” then the year sped by like a falcon. It seemed like it was just yesterday I was making plans for 2018, and now I am wrapping it up. There were clear hits and misses for my plans and some unexpected just projects popped into our studio and we made some major progress which is the only solid goal for me as a small business owner and lettering artist.

In 2017 I wrote a book so I figured it would be hard to surpass that momentous year but I took it in stride and created new cliffs for me to jump off of, scaring the wits out of myself at times but in the end, look at me… still here alive and well… doing things that scare me is also a MUST-DO every year. Here is what I’ve been up to for 2018!

Let’s Talk Numbers !

Commissions and Signage:

  • Worked with 94 Brides & Grooms

  • Welcome Signs 60

  • Seating Charts 46

  • Other Signage, Desserts/Bar Menus/Programs/Love Stories 119

Our most sought after pieces are definitely the Welcome signage and seating charts, these 2 pieces are the most important parts of the wedding as they greet the guests and also lets them know where they are sitting. I believe our meticulous planning and artistic composition and design allows us to work with more and more beautiful couples every year.


YouTube Channel - The Lettering Lifestyle

So I spoke about jumping off of cliffs earlier, and there is no higher cliff and nothing scarier than starting my YouTube channel… The Lettering Lifestyle . I knew I wanted to share more of my process and ideas of how to use lettering in my day to day life so I figured this channel would be another route to express my ideas and teach others as well. In total I created 4 videos that showed a variety of surfaces, styles and reasons why I letter. It was a big adjustment to speak and teach in front of a camera and I am so thankful to my team of videographers/editors Henjo Films and About Us Films for making me look and sound great. There shall be more to come for 2019, I am just waiting for the next perfect opportunity to show you how to letter on the next beautiful surface….

Teaching Workshops!

After years of people asking if I taught workshops, this year I finally wrapped my head around what I wanted to teach! There are many workshops out there when it comes to lettering and calligraphy already so what I really wanted was to bring a different element to my sessions… I realized what I wanted to teach was a frame of mind. I wanted my guests/students to learn about this lifestyle that I have lived all my life, one where every surface and item had unlimited creative possibilities if you only knew HOW to draw letters and what tools you needed to actually letter on them. I would like to say I don’t create workshops, but lettering experiences. I have had the pleasure of hosting my own workshop this year and working with others such as Joy Scout Learnshops and The Toronto Public Library as well.

Lettering All Around Town!

This year I made it a point to step out of the comforts of my studio and take in the opportunities outside of my tiny little space! Even with the YouTube videos and workshops, they were always in venues that were new to me so my senses were always heightened and I learned to teach/letter on the go, outside of my studio and with an audience at times! I had so many great opportunities lettering for awesome events some of my favourites includes the private clubhouse for the Toronto Blue Jays for their gala the Curveball, wonderful charities such as the Bibliogala for the Toronto Public Library, and the Boobyball. I also had my first book signing at Yorkdale Mall at the Chapters Indigo which was a great experience. I took opportunities to learn as well taking workshops with masters of lettering such as Lauren Hom and Paul Antonio, reiterating the fact that I love to add to my skill set and will continue to be a student in life and lettering. No matter how much you think you know, there is always more to learn.

Top 3 Personal Triumphs and Favourite Styled Shoots & Editorials

There really is so much to cover in one post but I wanted to share some moments I felt were triumphs this year, first up! Doubling my booth size at the One of a Kind Show…its been a long time coming, but this year I finally made the leap to a full size booth 10 x 10… this meant a whole redesign of my booth but also signified growth which always makes me happy. Second, I quietly reached 20K followers on Instagram, my favourite social media platform! I really credit Instagram a lot for my small and big victories, it allows me to share my passion and work in such a beautiful and accessible way and it will always be my special place to share! Third and most exciting, I actually worked with Hallmark…yes that HALLMARK on a calendar for 2020. Growing up Hallmark was hands down my favourite store in the mall, it was a paper lovers dream and the best place to find beautiful and unique items, so when they reached out to me, I had to really pinch myself! So more will be revealed when the calendar comes out, but here is a sneak peek of one of my favourite illustrations.


And amongst all the above there are the wonderful styled shoots that I get to be a part of. Some end up on beautiful blogs such as Junebug Weddings and some land right in the middle of magazines such as Mingle Magazine’ Autumn edition and The Bridal Affairs inaugural edition. Here are some of my favourite styled shoot moments.

So you see we have had a great year and made some big moves, no doubt in 2019 we will charge on with our passion of creative lettering and calligraphy and we can’t wait to share them all with you! If you would like to know more about our upcoming workshops as well as receive news and lettered freebies don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list! Happy New Year & Happy Lettering….xoxo Doris

The Lettering Lifestyle | YouTube Channel is LIVE!!!


Love Lettering is so proud to announce another chapter of our lettering journey by introducing our new YouTube channel, The Lettering Lifestyle . After the release of my book Extraordinary Hand Lettering I realized that I still had many more ideas to share, many more surfaces and typefaces I wanted to letter and more tools to discover, and so the idea of chronicling my lettering lifestyle came about!  It is on this channel where you will find mini videos of my lettering process, how I letter and transform things, what pens and tools I like to use and wonderful I will also showcase inspirational ideas about how to style with the lettered pieces you create.  Big and small, subscribe and follow along to learn all about how I live my Lettering Lifestyle. 

Watch our FIRST tutorial on our new channel on YouTube called The Lettering Lifestyle

Watch our FIRST tutorial on our new channel on YouTube called The Lettering Lifestyle

Big hugs and thank you to the amazing team behind this first shoot, they are a bunch of uber talented individuals & companies that come with talent and smile through it all:

Photography | Heidi Lau Photo  Videography | Henjo Films   Styling | Madison and Ella   Catering & Food | Hawley Crescent  Cake & Desserts | Cakelaine  Florals | Flower Treasures  Decor & Rentals | Southern Charm Vintage Rentals  Models & Menswear | Tytan  Shoot Venue | The Alley Scarborough  Hair | Puzzle Creations

We've Been Featured on Tiffany Pratt's Favourite Things Christmas List!

There are some people you meet once and you know that they are just made to make... if you see Tiffany Pratt walking down the street your eyes would tell you... there goes an artist!  But what you don't see is her amazing ability to bring out the best in people with her kind words and selfless and random acts of kindness.  I have had multiple meet ups and run ins with this unicorn of the design world and each time I leave feeling happier, more creative and just loved.  If you don't know her you must follow her Instagram feed to get your daily dose of colour and creativity now!


So when someone I admire so very much includes me on her FAVOURITE Christmas things I practically passed out!  Thank you Tiffany for including our book and our artist pin on this wonderful list of artists, authors, and makers!


Find her whole list of wondrous things in the link below:
